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Priestly Fraternity Saint Michael The Archangel

"Living the Gospel in Order to Promote the Extension of God's Kingdom"

Church News


The religious life requires one to accept fully the kind of life that Jesus wished to carry out, living before the Father and totally orientated in favor of all men. This way of life is expressed in the threefold promise of chastity, poverty, and obedience.

“Follow me”. Mathew left his seat and followed him.

(Lk. 5, 27-28)


God continues to calls us to do his will, each one in the mission that he has given us in accordance with his perfect love.

The more one is a friend of God, one sees with greater clarity what he wants of us, how to realize what his project for us is, and making that project our own.


The vocation is God asking our permission to walk alongside us in such a way that we realize his will in our lives.

In so far as we decide to grant God a place in our life, our friendship with him is strengthened; and it is within this friendship that we hear his call.


“Come with me and I will make you fishers of men”

(Mk. 2,14) (Mt. 4,19)


The consecrated life is a heartfelt union, an encounter, and dialogue of constant love between God and the human heart.

This is a love which cannot be compared with other loves; which is completely fulfilling and fills the heart with an immense joy. It is a totally new expression of the love of God and the love of man. It lies so far beyond our imagination that it complies with what the prophet Isaiah says:


“For in so much that the heavens surpass the earth, so my paths surpass yours, and my thoughts surpass your thoughts”.

(Is. 55, 9)

“Come to the fountain all those who are thirsty and drink water”.

(Is. 55. 1) 


We all have a thirst for God, for love, and to love that which exceeds all love; and that can only be satisfied by God Himself.


“Only in God does my soul find rest”. (Psalm 61.1)


“We were created for you and only in you can my soul find complete rest”.

(St. Augustine)

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