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Priestly Fraternity Saint Michael The Archangel

"Living the Gospel in Order to Promote the Extension of God's Kingdom"

Church News

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The holy Church gives St. Michael the highest place among the archangels and calls him "Prince of the heavenly spirits," "head of the heavenly militia." Already from the Old Testament, he appears as the great defender of God's people against the Devil, and his powerful defense continues in the New Testament.


Christendom, from the early Church, venerates St. Michael as the angel who defeated Satan and his followers and threw them out of heaven with his sword of fire.


It is traditionally recognized as the guardian of Christian armies against the enemies of the Church and as protector of Christians against devilish powers, especially at the time of death




The same name of Michael invites us to give honor since it is a clamor of enthusiasm and fidelity. It means "Who as God".

Satan trembles at the sound of his name, for it reminds him of the cry of noble protest that this archangel manifested when the angels rebelled. St. Michael manifested his strength and power as he fought the great battle in the sky.


By his zeal and faithfulness to God, much of the heavenly court remained faithful and obedient. His strength inspired courage in the other angels who joined his cry of nobility: "WHO LIKE GOD?!". From that moment on he is known as the captain of the militia of God, the first prince of the holy city to whom the other angels obey.




 We are taught in the tradition that St. Michael presides over the cult of worship that surrenders to the Most High and offers to God the prayers of the faithful symbolized by the incense that rises before the altar. The liturgy presents Saint Michael as the one who carries the incense and stands before the altar as our intercessor and the bearer of the prayers of the Church before the Throne of God. In Canon # 1 of the Mass: "may your angel present before you the prayers of your Church".


It is very interesting to note in the Marian apparitions that they have included manifestations of Saint Michael, their relationship with the Eucharist, and the adoration due to the Eucharistic Jesus and the Holy Trinity:


Fatima: In 1916 the angel appears to them for the first time. He kneels on the ground and bows to the ground and asks to pray with him: "My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love you. I ask your pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not expect and do not love you. ".


Second Appearance: "Pray, pray a lot, the hearts of Jesus and Mary have mercy on you, and always offer prayers and sacrifices to the Most High!"


Third Appearance: It appears with a chalice in its hands on which a Host is suspended, from which Drops of Blood fell to the chalice; Leaving the chalice and the host suspended in the air, fell prostrate on the ground and repeated three times: "Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore you deeply and offer you the Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ , Present in all the World's Sacraments, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences with which He Himself is offended, and for the infinite merits of His Sacred Immaculate Heart of Mary I ask for the conversion of poor sinners. "


Then he arose and gave the Host to Lucia, and the contents of the Chalice to Jacinta and Francis, saying at the same time: "Take the Body and Drink the Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men. God".



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